Spend experience points in assassination, infiltration, magic, etc. Creep and hide in the darkest corners, or reach heights to avoid detection. This title is similar to others of its kind, like the saga Assassins Creed, in which the stealth, infiltration and the fights are the cornerstone of the game. Styx Shards of Darkness Free Download: Climb, swing, and hang through multi-layered sandbox environments brought to life with Unreal Engine 4. The points of experience that we will gain as we perform our tasks, murders or missions, we will can invest them in learning new skills, and we will can even create clones of ourselves to distract and deceive the different enemies that we will find on our way to the highest part of the elven tower. It also incorporates the cooperative mode, where we will can play with other friends and form a team of elusive goblins, capable of killing armies from the shadows.

In addition we will have totally new abilities and many more weapons than in the first delivery. The Styx Shards Of Darkness video game was developed by French developer Cyanide and published by Focus Home Interactive. Styx Shards Of Darkness is the second installment, and incorporates many new features regarding the first delivery, as a much greater freedom of movement, since now we can explore the entire map in search of valuable treasures and ingredients to create all kinds of potions and traps.

Styx Shards Of Darkness is an action and infiltration game in which we will direct a shrewd Goblin, an expert in infiltrations and murders from the shadow, in his adventure to infiltrate the most dangerous of the Elf Towers.