Either way, you'll make a decent amount of money. If the person has been having a hard time finding an enchanter to do the chant for them, they will either haggle with you or accept your price. Chants that I had to farm for and/or require an eternium rod I will charge as much as I think I can get away with. Chants that can be learned from a trainer and don't require an eternium rod I will only charge about 5g for.

How much do I charge? Depends what you want. If I don't know you and you want me to do an enchant for you, you are going to have to pay me. I didn't raise enchanting so that I could give out enchants for free and hope that people are nice enough to tip me for it. Why did you level up enchanting? Was it for your own personal gain? That's why I did it. If they don't like it, wish them luck on finding another enchanter. Make them give you the gold at the same time they hand you the mats. If they want an enchant from you, say "Sure, that'll be 10g + mats". Instead of doing enchants for free and hoping that people tip you, tell them upfront how much you are going to charge them. Commentaire de ThottbotMy advice to other enchanters: Don't expect "tips".